A square peg in a round hole may be a misfit, but the reverse isn’t necessarily so; a round peg in a square hole fits quite nicely, and can be quite useful - for example, removable traffic bollards (they don't get jammed by gravel). And sometimes it pays to think further beyond the square – a round peg will fit quite neatly in triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal holes too, but of course are not as practical.
Lateral thinking, a fresh approach combined with engineering expertise has enabled RoundPeg Innovations to come up with novel, practical solutions across a wide range of industries, as can be seen in our portfolio below:
If you'd like to know more about any of our projects or if you need an innovative solution to a problem you are welcome to contact us.
And if you are interested in any of our current projects (steel piles, pile testing, guard railing, steel girders, aircraft boarding, ergonomic bike seat, collapsible cable spools, swivel seat, and a radically different solar water heating system) , keep in mind that we are open to joint development, partnerships, licensing, etc...